v 31.1 | California’s Political Paradox

Welcome to Happening in California, a brief look at political news, insights, and analysis of the world’s fifth-largest economy.

It’s been observed that California’s culture and politics runs ahead of the rest of the country. So then, do California’s Democratic supermajorities in state government foretell the future for Congress and the country at large? Well, there’s more to the story ...


Tom Ross | President and CEO | Swing Strategies

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The Big Picture: California’s electorate isn’t nearly as progressive as its Democratic-dominated state government. 

California, a Democratic utopia ...

... but when its electorate is given the opportunity to vote on progressive issues, the outcomes are decidedly center-right. 

In fact, three of the ballot measures in 2020 overturned laws that were passed overwhelmingly by Democrats in the Legislature.

And while Republicans only represent 25% of voters, their party’s endorsements aligned more closely with the electorate at large ... 

The Takeaway: Heading into the gubernatorial cycle, Democratic lawmakers may overplay their hand on labor policy, taxes, and a whole host of issues.

We’ll leave you with this: California isn’t a lost cause for businesses, but it requires engagement from impacted industries.

Give us a ring or shoot us an email if you’d like to chat about what’s happening in California. It’s never boring out here.


v 31.2 | California’s High Tax Burden