v 31.2 | California’s High Tax Burden

Welcome to Happening in California, a brief look at political news, insights, and analysis of the world’s fifth-largest economy.

California has it all: the ocean, warm sunny beaches, rolling hills, majestic mountains, and HIGH TAXES. It was just four decades ago when Californians led a historic taxpayer revolt. Today, many of its taxpayer protections have eroded — exposing businesses and all classes of citizens to some of the highest taxes in the nation. So then, is another taxpayer revolt in the making?


Tom Ross | President and CEO | Swing Strategies

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The Big Picture: California’s high tax climate is having a deleterious effect on, well, everybody!

... And it’s not just that California is one of the highest taxed states in the nation ...

California’s Legislature keeps trying to raise taxes even higher — more than $984 BILLION in proposed tax increases in the last five years alone.

Our friends at California Taxpayers Association compiled lists of higher taxes that were proposed by the Legislature …

That's Not All: As if state tax increases weren’t enough, local governments are piling them on too …

From 2010 to 2018, a total of 1,198 general and special taxes have appeared on local ballots. And 67% passed!

An Inconvenient Truth: California’s highest-in-the-nation taxes don’t pay for much ...

  • California's roads are among the worst in the nation;

  • Its schools earn poor grades;

  • Nearly half the nation’s homeless reside in California;

  • And its regulatory climate for business is the worst in the country according to a survey of CEOs

The Fallout: California’s population growth rate has been nearly flat since 2017 as the state experienced net migration loss. Businesses large and small are moving out. And for the first time in 170 years, California will lose a Congressional seat during reapportionment. Could California experience another taxpayer revolt? Stay tuned ...

And in the meantime, give us a ring or shoot us an email if you’d like to chat about what’s happening in California.

We have a long history fighting taxes — starting in 1996 with Prop 218 and most recently in 2020 with Prop 15. We are proud to boast a 91% win rate on statewide propositions in California.


v 31.3 | Reviving California Tourism


v 31.1 | California’s Political Paradox